Rock of Ages Church

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God is Faithful and He Never Forsakes His Children

Our CG is a very unique group. It has a good mix of mature and young Christians, learning and taking care of the needs of others faithfully.

Both the Arthur and Sarah (my CG leaders) knew my needs when I joined the group. I am glad that the church has small groups that minister to her members. My family and I have been have been ministered to by the CG members’ care for Uncle Lee, my late husband.

Uncle Lee’s health took a turn about five years ago. He was diagnosed with multiple conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, dementia and heart problems.

The CG ministered to Uncle Lee in its own way and attended to his needs through regular home visits, prayer and even holy communion. They also organized his last birthday gathering at my daughter’s house where pre-believing family members were exposed to Christianity. Bridges were built, to remind those family members who have strayed away to return to the Lord.

Because of His great love and the CG’s care, Uncle Lee’s faith remained unwavering and strong to the end. He was able to muster his energy to raise his hands and praise the Lord when Pastor Leslie and Pastor Adeline visited him.

The Lord has started a good work in everyone in our CG. May we continue to press on and complete the work that the Lord wants us to accomplish through love, care and concern so that His name can be glorified.

Praise God, to God be the glory. Amen. — Aunty Lee